Paying down your credit card isn’t the only way to build good credit. Here are four equally-as-effective alternatives.
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It really is possible to build credit without a credit card–you’ll just have to take a different approach. If you don’t trust yourself with a credit card quite yet, here are some tips:
1. Start repaying your student loans. Assuming you have them, you can start repaying your loans while you’re still in school to begin building your credit score. Waiting until you’ve graduated is also an option. Either way, be sure to pay on time each month to build your score without a card.
2. Use a credit builder loan. This is similar to a secured credit card. Once you’re approved, the funds in the loan are placed in a savings account or a CD until you’ve repaid the loan. At that point, the money in your savings is yours to keep.
3. Repay a mortgage or car loan. Since both mortgages and car loans report to credit bureaus, either of these will help you build your credit score. The difficult part in getting approved for either of these without an established credit history can be remedied by having a steady income and a good down payment.
4. Make sure you pay your rent and all your bills on time. Also, beware of advanced fee loans and other loan scams that prey on people with no or bad credit. These loans typically guarantee approval and ask for some type of upfront payment. Be careful.
As always, if you have any questions about your credit or about real estate in general, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
1. Start repaying your student loans. Assuming you have them, you can start repaying your loans while you’re still in school to begin building your credit score. Waiting until you’ve graduated is also an option. Either way, be sure to pay on time each month to build your score without a card.
2. Use a credit builder loan. This is similar to a secured credit card. Once you’re approved, the funds in the loan are placed in a savings account or a CD until you’ve repaid the loan. At that point, the money in your savings is yours to keep.
3. Repay a mortgage or car loan. Since both mortgages and car loans report to credit bureaus, either of these will help you build your credit score. The difficult part in getting approved for either of these without an established credit history can be remedied by having a steady income and a good down payment.
A credit builder loan is similar to a secured credit card.
”4. Make sure you pay your rent and all your bills on time. Also, beware of advanced fee loans and other loan scams that prey on people with no or bad credit. These loans typically guarantee approval and ask for some type of upfront payment. Be careful.
As always, if you have any questions about your credit or about real estate in general, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.