3 Simple Living Life Hacks

Moving toward a more simple life can be accomplished by doing one of the three things listed below.

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You’ve heard the old adage, “less is more.” You don’t have to throw out all your things and become a minimalist to live more simply. Here are three ways to live a happier, more simple life:

You’ve heard the old adage, “less is more.”

  1. Declutter your most-used spaces. Think of the spaces in your home that you use most often, like the bathroom sink, your beds, and refrigerator. Your fridge can become cluttered quickly and can affect your health if it isn’t cleaned regularly. Make sure all of your food is visible and clearly labeled to make eating a simpler and more enjoyable experience. This concept can be applied to other spaces as well.
  2. Simplify your morning and nighttime routine. If you take a long time to get ready in the morning, you may need to look at your routine. Simplify your day and night by preparing breakfast or picking out your clothes the night before. 
  3. Learn to desire less. Learn to differentiate between wants and needs. In order to have a rich life, you can either acquire more or want less. A rich man who wants more is not as content as a poor man who wants nothing. Being content is about reducing your unnecessary desires, not about fulfilling every one of them.
With these simple tips, we hope you’ll find yourself on the path to living a simpler life. We’re grateful to be your community resource, ready to serve you and your loved ones. If you need anything at all or would like to buy or sell a home, please give us a call. We look forward to being of service.


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