What Millennials Are Looking for in a Home

What can you do to have your house appeal to millennial buyers?

Millennials now make up the largest demographic of homebuyers, and they know what they're looking for in a home. Today we’ll tell you how you can make your home listing appeal to them.

Millennials usually look at homes online first, so it's important to have great pictures that show off your property. We recommend hiring a professional home photographer. Your Realtor can provide one for you. 

You also need to price your home properly. If millennials see that your home is much more expensive than a similar house, they will disregard your listing. If you have a large home that needs updates and repairs, you'll have a hard time finding a millennial buyer. They would rather put their money towards painting and decorating instead of improving home systems, so make sure that you're keeping your home maintained so that you don't have a long list of things to fix before you list.

“Listen to your agent about how to appeal to millennials.”

Millennials know that property taxes are on the rise, which is why they are actively avoiding large homes with large yards. This makes it important to fight your property taxes each year to keep them at a manageable level. If your property taxes are high, your home price will likely have to be lower.

Since millennials make up such a large part of our market now, it's really important to listen to your agent about how to appeal to them. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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